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GLAY DOME TOUR “pure soul” 1999

本書はGLAY初のドームツアー『GLAY DOME TOUR “pure soul” 1999』のパンフレット。

同ツアーでは“巨大な白い宇宙船”がシンボルマークとなり、本書でも“1960~70年代から見た宇宙”をイメージしたビジュアルが印象的。宇宙服を着たメンバーが本物の宇宙船の中にいるような貴重なフォトが多数収録されています。また1998年に“pure soul”を掲げて敢行されたホールツアーとスタジアムツアーを通じて全国を駆け抜けた彼らが、初めてのドームツアーに臨む想いを語ったインタビューも掲載。2000年以降の活動に対する展望にも触れられており、デビュー20周年を迎えた今だからこそ、必読の内容となっています。


To celebrate GLAY’s live show at Tokyo Dome in May 2015, which is their first show at Tokyo Dome in 10 years, as the great closing of their 20th anniversary year, all the booklets made and sold exclusively at their dome tours in the past are digitally reproduced!

This booklet was originally made to sell at the domes during GLAY’s very first dome circuit tour “pure soul” in 1999. The photo gallery of 58 live shots taken during the same tour is exclusively added to this digital version. Those beautifully compiled pictures absolutely remind you of all the precious moments you shared with GLAY back in 1999.
Moreover, you can enjoy them on your smart phone/tablet at your disposal. Just open the photo gallery, then voila! You are brought back in the live show to conjure up your emotion, passion and all the feelings you felt there!! Permanent preservation is the right description for this beautifully digitalized and reproduced booklet.
The huge white spaceship was used symbolically for the tour that everything including all the visuals was impressively created on the unique image of the outer space we actually had back in 1960-1970s. Space-suited GLAY members in a spaceship for instance, their unique conceptual photos newly added would give you another throb after all those years.
Exclusive interviews of the members are also interesting for fans to read. They talk about their excitement and expectation towards their very first dome circuit tour after they have done a hall circuit and a stadium circuit tours in 1998. Plus their ambition and vision for 2000s mentioned in their interviews are also very interesting to read with hindsight.

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本書は、6th ALBUM『ONE LOVE』をリリースしたGLAYが、2001年末から2002年初頭にかけて敢行した2度目のドームツアー『GLAY DOME TOUR 2001-2002 “ONE LOVE”』のパンフレット。



To celebrate GLAY’s live show at Tokyo Dome in May 2015, which is their first show at Tokyo Dome in 10 years, as the great closing of their 20th anniversary year, all the booklets made and sold exclusively at their dome tours in the past are digitally reproduced!

With the 6th album “ONE LOVE,” GLAY raced though the end of 2001 to the beginning of 2002 with their 2nd dome circuit tour GLYA DOME TOUR 2001-2002 “ONE LOVE.” The booklet originally made for the particular tour is now reborn with the newly added photo gallery of 38 live shots from the tour. Those beautifully compiled pictures absolutely remind you of all the precious moments you shared with GLAY back in the first winter of the 21st century.
Moreover, you can enjoy them on your smart phone/tablet at your disposal. Just open the photo gallery, then voila! You are instantly brought back in the live show to conjure up your emotion, passion and all the feelings you felt there!! Permanent preservation is the right description for this beautifully digitalized and reproduced booklet.
Specially packaged as deluxe edition, this was originally a voluminous photo collection booklet full of great pictures exclusively taken for it by 3 different photographers. Each photographer’s different theme for ONE LOVE makes this booklet colorful and fun to see. Cool GLAY to pop GLAY, they seem to enjoy changing their visuals in tune with each photographer. You would sense it just by seeing them.

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本書は、記念すべき10周年イヤーのラストを飾った『GLAY DOME TOUR 2005 “WHITE ROAD”』のパンフレット。

本書のテーマは “黒の世界から白の世界へ”。黒と白の衣装をまとったメンバーが佇む姿が美しく、“WHITE ROAD”の世界観を象徴する写真の数々が収められています。ツアーファイナルとなった東京ドーム公演は、TERUが「10年後、このステージにジャケットを絶対に取りにくるから」とファンに誓い、ジャケットをマイクスタンドにかけ、ステージを後にした伝説のライブ(それから10年間ドーム公演を行わなかった彼らが、遂にその約束を果たすのが2015年5月)。


To celebrate GLAY’s live show at Tokyo Dome in May 2015, which is their first show at Tokyo Dome in 10 years, as the great closing of their 20th anniversary year, all the booklets made and sold exclusively at their dome tours in the past are digitally reproduced!

This booklet was originally made for GLAY DOME TOUR 2005 “WHITE ROAD” which was the commemorative dome circuit tour for their 10th anniversary in 2005. It is now reproduced with the newly added photo gallery of 22 live shots from the tour. Those beautifully compiled pictures absolutely remind you of all the precious moments you shared with GLAY back in their 10th anniversary year.
Moreover, you can enjoy them on your smart phone/tablet at your disposal. Just open the photo gallery, then voila! You are instantly brought back in the live show to conjure up your emotion, passion and all the feelings you felt there!! Permanent preservation is the right description for this beautifully digitalized and reproduced booklet.
This booklet’s original concept is “from black world to white world.” GLAY members wear both black costumes and white costumes tailored to the theme. Their silent presence are beautifully captured to show what their “WHITE ROAD” is all about.
Right before leaving the stage on the final day of the tour at Tokyo Dome, TERU hung his jacket on his mic stand and pledged their comeback there to the fans saying, “We’ll be back on this stage to get my jacket back in 10 years time!” It became one of GLAY’s legendary days. They actually didn’t do any dome circuit tour for 10 years. But they don’t forget the promise. They will be back on the Tokyo Dome stage in May 2015!
This digital booklet certainly helps you enjoy their promised dome show in many ways ? great memories of their 10th anniversary, feeling GLAY’s loyalty to their fans, recalling the past 10 years you spent with them, ect. You gotta see it to get ready for their comeback to Tokyo Dome!!

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